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The Dignity foundation is a non-profit organization, committed to change the way people look at ageing in India. The foundation enables its members to lead active lives through easy access to trusted information, opportunities for productive ageing and social support services. The Dignity Foundation was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Mumbai with chapters in cities like Pune, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata.

↗️ Helpline Services: 044-42133002
↗️ Companionship Services
↗️ Second Career Services
↗️ Dignity Chai Masti
↗️ Professional Counselling Services
↗️ Dignity Dialogue Meetings

Mindcare Health Services , has a vision to provide behavioral health care services and heal the mind, body and soul in a holistic way and other endeavors to touch, serve and solve the health-related challenges of its customers and to provide the highest level of diagnostic confidence to referral physicians. Mindcare Health Services would cater to personalized counseling and psychotherapeutic care services, flower remedy to treat those suffering from psychosomatic disorders and professional certification and career level training programs in counseling and psychotherapy.

Mindcare Health Services as a socially aware and responsible organization realizes this and strives to provide a comprehensive health care services in the grossly under penetrated Indian Market especially in the area of behavioral health.

Mindcare Health Services has found the Dignity Foundation Centre at (Anubhav Spirituality center, St. Joseph’s Church Annex, Sheetal Nagar, Mira Road East, Thane – 421107) to be leading by example in attending to the needs of the elderly whose social support systems have weakened or are non-existent. We hope to partner with this great Foundation and provide services and opportunities that would be truly beneficial.


Mindcare Health Services Art Therapy Workshop

What is Art Therapy?

The aim of this session is to make individuals more aware of their feelings, express them, articulate them and deal with them in a positive way through the medium of ART. The workshop deals with a wide range of activities that will help them understand and bring out their emotions through fun and interactive sessions.

These sessions use art as a medium to improve and enhance the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the individuals.

Research in the field confirms that the creative process involved in artistic self-expression helps people to become more physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy and functional, resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, handle life adjustments, and achieve insight.

To make individuals realize positive aspects of their life
↗️ Paint inside your heart
↗️ Duration: 15 to 20 minutes
↗️ Aim: The activity helps an individual realize all the aspects in their life that are close to their heart
↗️ Methodology: Individuals will be given a sheet of paper with an outline of a heart. They will be asked to write down all the aspects of their life that are close to their heart.
↗️ Outcome: The activity makes you realize the good things in your life
↗️ The bag of your life
↗️ Duration: 15 to 20 minutes
↗️ Aim: To help the individual recollect the positive aspects of their life
↗️ Methodology: Each individual will have to write down various positive happenings in their life on a
↗️ Sheet of paper and put it in a bag.
↗️ Outcome: The many accomplishments in life will help to instil a sense of satisfaction in the individual
↗️ The Postcard of Love
↗️ Duration: 45 minutes
↗️ Aim: To write a postcard to your younger self
↗️ Methodology: Painting is used on the postcard to express positive emotions of gratitude by thanking
↗️ Oneself for past actions, mistakes and accomplishments.
↗️ Outcome: Achievement of a sense of gratitude in an individual’s life.